About Us
With nearly 30 years of expert knowledge of heat transfer systems, Alberta Exchanger Ltd. specializes in field and shop coordinated services to support a diverse range of customer needs.
Practical Solutions for the Heat Exchanger Industry
We pride ourselves on our product integrity and reliable services in the areas of fabrication, repair and replacement in kind.
Although, the building and machines are the concrete fabric of Alberta Exchanger Ltd., it is the people who have made the company what it is today. It is the personalities and the stories that keeps our legacy alive. It is with excitement that we look forward to the new stories we will make and the potential they possess.
Safety Commitment
Our Commitment to Safety
Alberta Exchanger Ltd. is committed to providing a safe work environment which protects the physical, psychological and social well-being of everyone in the workplace.
Alberta Exchanger Ltd. believes its people are our most valuable asset. A strong environmental, health and safety program paired with our sustainability management system places everyone’s well-being at the forefront. Whether they are an employee, customer, contractor or visitor, the focus is on ensuring everyone goes home to their loved ones. This belief is integral to our core success. No task is urgent enough to compromise the well-being of any individual.
Our Customers
Who works with us
Alberta Exchanger Ltd. strives to deliver projects that exceed our customers' expectations and contract specifications.
Relationships are imperative to our success, which is why we view our customers as partners in progress. As a result, we seek to understand our customers’ current needs and anticipate those that will arise at a later date, to achieve success now and into the future.
Our industry experience is diverse and our customers seek us out from a variety of sectors including:
Oil and Gas
Pulp and Paper
Power Generation
Food Processing
Utility Services

Our Mission
What we strive for
Alberta Exchanger Ltd. seeks to achieve a standard of excellence by instilling the principles of quality craftsmanship, a customer-centric approach, and a focus on being a leader in the field of servicing heat transfer equipment and operational support. A strong management team oversees all stages of development to ensure continual improvement and smart-working practices.
Alberta Exchanger Ltd. strives to be the preferred source of quality repair, refurbishment, fabrication and field services for pressure and heat transfer equipment, while providing innovative solutions.
Our People
The Team
With a focus on hiring the best people available in the market and providing them with a stable and inclusive working environment equipped with training programs that will achieve success, we ensure that Alberta Exchanger Ltd. can operate to the best of our ability.
Our vision
Looking Forward
Alberta Exchanger Ltd. operations are engrained with a passionate, entrepreneurial mindset which has provided a strong foundation of innovative thinking and strong work ethic. With a desire to become an industry-leader in the area of heat transfer equipment, we have learned the crucial skill of developing smart, creative solutions to solve complex problems.